Thursday, May 12, 2011

Postmodernist Architecture

Architecture fascinates me and I wish we could have discussed the architecture in the chapter more in class. I think the combinations of architecture with sculpture created some amazing pieces. I think Robert Venturi said it best when countering Mies van der Rohe's statement "less is more" with "less is a bore". Sure it might be cheaper and more efficient to mass produce apartment complexes, but nobody likes to look at those. People travel all over the world to get a glimpse of some well made buildings. I think the money made by tourism to places with incredible buildings such as the Taj Mahal, Louve Pyramid, and the Guggenheim Museum make up the money spent on building those works of art. Looking at a famous painting is one thing but imagine being able to walk inside and experience the setting of the painting. For me, that is an architectural masterpiece allows its viewers to do, experience it. The building that really caught my eye though was the Walt Disney Concert Hall in California. The design by Frank Gehry is breathtaking. The light reflecting off the stainless steel plates create a rippling affect. It is to blend together the minimalist ideals with the sponeity of action painting to produce a simple yet complex  magnificence. This sculptural architecture is just getting started and I'm sure there will be more great buildings, like Gehry's, to come.

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